Month: January 2020

January Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Time: Gather 6pm, Meeting 7pm, presentation to follow

Cuyahoga County Public Library, North Royalton Branch
5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, Ohio 44133 – Meeting Room 124

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

We will kick off 2020 with a SBE Chapter 70 ‘January Meet and Greet’ on Tuesday, January 14th at the North Royalton branch of the Cuyahoga County Library, 5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, Ohio 44133 – in meeting room 124. If you haven’t been to a meeting recently, this is an opportunity to catch up with fellow engineers and technical folk that you may have not seen in a while.

The Library is just east of State Road (Rt. 94), on the north side of the road, near the YMCA. There is ample free parking. Due to the Library closing time of 9pm, we will gather beginning at 6pm, with our chapter meeting at 7pm with the program to follow.

Robert Leskovec plans to conduct a “Battery Workshop” for analyzing and maintaining 12V vehicle, and emergency generator standby batteries. He will present a demonstration of a “quite affordable” digital battery analyzer, a new compact battery charger/pulse rejuvenator, and several ‘trickle’ chargers, and discuss things like “why did the battery go dead even though I had it on a maintenance (trickle) charger?” He will then open it up to discussion about others’ experiences. With colder temperatures on the way, this will be timely information to share or update your knowledge on.

We may also have discussion on other topics: EAS, the Repack, or whatever else may be of interest, as time permits.

See you at the library on January 14th!