Month: September 2017

September Meeting Info

Our next Chapter Meeting will be Tuesday, Sep-
tember 12 at the Salem 1220 Transmitter site, located at

9446 Broadview Road, Broadview Heights, 44147.

Gathering time is 7pm with Meeting about 7:30 and Pro-
gram to follow. Host and Salem-Cleveland Director of

Engineering Jim Georgiades will host, as we gather for
what may be one of the last visits to this site before the
transmitter facility is rebuilt and moved back amongst
the tower array; with this building most likely being
raised within the next year. The site is somewhat rough,
but will afford us a meeting place for the program and
brief tour. SBE Chapter 70 Frequency Coordinator Jim

Baird will give a presentation on Frequency Coordina-
tion issues with regard to spectrum above 600 Mhz. We

may also have open discussion on the upcoming Nation-
al EAS and other topics of interest. It will be a some-
what casual meeting and program, as it is only a week in

advance of the Ohio Broadcast and Multimedia Technol-
ogy Conference hosted by the OAB in Columbus on

September 19.