Category: Upcoming Event

March Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Time: Gather Online 6:30pm, Meeting 7:00pm, presentation to follow

ONLINE – see email for details

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 9 online at 6:30pm, the SBE Chapter 70 meeting will be at 7pm with a presenta-tion to follow.Our presentation is by Jill Walters, Director of Key Accounts and Strategy, of Digital Broadcast, Inc.The topic is, “Asset Man-agement and the benefits and importance of NoSQL” discussing reasons major companies (like Google, AWZ, NBC Universal, Cisco and Adobe) are starting to recognize and prefer NoSQL databases and the benefits of using a NoSQL database.Increas-ingly important with our new workflows and our need to manage and search assets very quickly from multiple sources in the same database and the support any type of content: video, documents, pictures –in the same archival system.Our March meeting will again be virtual, via Zoom.Click on the link in the email with this newsletter.We will most likelysend out a reminder email early next week with that information and a presentation as well.Hope to see you on March 9.

December Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Time: Gather Online 6:30pm, Meeting 7:00pm, presentation to follow

ONLINE – see email for details

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 8.Gather online at 6:30pm, the SBE Chapter 70 meeting will be at 7pm with a presentation to follow.This month we welcome Doug Ferber, VP of Sales for Tieline. Doug will present “Remote Broadcasting Connec-tions: Trends and Suggestions” and will discuss the Tieline ViA, Via-Merlin Plus Codec, Interfaces, the Report-IT Remote Broadcast App, and Cloud Codec Controller.A timely presentation as we look to other ways to ‘remote in’ especially during Covid-19, and to meet what seems to will be a continuing trend.The meeting will again be virtual via Zoom.Click on the link in the email with this newsletter.We will most likely send out a reminder email early next week with that information as well.“Happy Holidays” and hope you can make it on December 8!

November Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Time: Gather Online 6:30pm, Meeting 7:00pm, presentation to follow

ONLINE – see email for details

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

Our next meeting will feature a presentation by Jake Alderman of the Telos Alliance.That will be after our gathering and Chapter Meeting.Log into our Chapters Zoom account beginning at 6:30PM on Tuesday, November 10th. We will begin the Chapter Meeting at 7PM, with Jake’s Presentation to follow.The Title is ‘Virtual solutions 101: How to get started with virtual workflows.’ Join Telos for discussion about the technolo-gies that underpin the catch phrase “Virtual solutions.” During this session we will take a look behind the curtain at virtual machines, containerization, and the cloud work. With the understanding of these solutions we will then apply our knowledge by exploring how broadcast can leverage them.Thanks again to Jake Alderman and Telos for putting together this presentation for us.Jake has hosted at least one past presentation for Chapter 70, but for those of you who may not be familiar, Jake’s ‘bio’ is in this newsletter on page 3.The Presentation will begin after the Chapter Meeting and Election. A link and the password to join the meeting is contained in the email with this newsletter.


October Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Time: Gather Online 6:30pm, Meeting 7:00pm, presentation to follow

ONLINE – see email for details

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

This month’s presentation is by Steve DeFala, Director of sales for Accelerated Media Technologies.His company outfits vehicles for ENG and remote broadcast.The timely topic will be “Current trends and new technology in Mobile ENG, How to keep your vehicle fleet safe in a pandemic”.See Steve’s bio in this newsletter.

Our September 13 Meeting is again ‘virtual’ with Zoom.Gather at 6:30 pm or later, when we can visit and have open discussion before the 7PM meeting.Please note that beside the Zoom invitation link, you can join via a phone link.That information is below the zoom link, but note a different passcode that you will need to enter, if joining via ‘phone. We are trying to make this as easy and accessible for everyone to partake in our meetings.If you are ‘camera shy’ you can join with the video off when you log on, as well as have your mic muted.We have found that Zoom meetings are an easy way for those to join into the Chapter for discussion or ‘catching up’ with everyone, from home or out-of-town.I’ve had success joining with my newer computer as well as my ten-year-old laptop with Windows 7.Mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads and Android devices also work.If nothing else you can join the meeting with a ‘good old phone’ using one of the phone numbers, meeting ID and passcode listed in the invitation.Although we can’t offer you pizza and refreshments during the gathering, you don’t have to worry about driving to a meeting, or the concern of COVID to get together with everyone.We hope you can make it! Our Presentation will follow the Chapter Meeting.

August Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Time: Gather Online 6:30pm, Meeting 7:00pm, presentation to follow

ONLINE – see email for details

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

Our August Picnic Meeting will be done via remote technology due to COVID, so grab a refreshment and log into our Chapters new Zoom account beginning at 6:30PM on Tuesday, August 11th. We will begin the Chapter Meet-ing at 7PM, and will have a period prior to the meeting to ‘virtually socialize’. Since this will not be our typical Picnic, we will have a Presentation of interest to follow.The Title is ‘The Tran-sition from SDI to ST 2110 IP and ST 2059 PTP –Best Practices and Lessons Learned.While not a catchy title, it will be informational as the name implies.Our host will be Karl Kuhn, of Telestream.The Presentation will begin after the Chapter Meeting and Election.More details follow.A link and the password to join the meeting is contained in the email with this newsletter.Cook up a burger or hotdog, grab a refreshment, and log into the ‘Virtual Picnic’ beginning at 6:30pm Tuesday!

July Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Time: Gather Online 7pm, Meeting 7:00pm, presentation to follow

ONLINE – see email for details

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

Our next gathering, as we maintain social distancing, is virtual, via WebEx on Tuesday, July 14th. Our hosts will be Joel Wil-liams, Dennis Zissler, and Kyle Jarrell of Eaton.The presentation will focus on Eaton’s range of UPS solutions, as well as lithi-um-ion batteries for UPS applications and their advantages over traditional VRLA batteries. We’ll discuss lithium battery so-lutions offered by Eaton, detailing cabinet designs, safety, and intrinsic battery management for additional protec-tion.Comments will be made regarding best practices for planning and installation of UPS systems, and we look forward to addressing questions and concerns from the group.The Chapter Meeting will begin at 7:00pm, with the presentation to fol-low directly afterward.The link to join the meeting is contained in the email portion of this newsletter, and will also be avaiabe in next week’s  ‘Meeting Reminder’ email prior to next Tuesday evening.Please see Joel, Dennis and Kyle’s bios on Page 3 to get a better acquainted with the gentlemen who will be conducting our presentation.

June Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Time: Gather Online 7pm, Meeting 7:05pm, presentation to follow

ONLINE – see email for details

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

Our next gathering is again another virtual meeting, on Tuesday, June 9th.Our host will be William Smith, of the Avateq Corporation.Details of Avateq and the presentation, as well as a biography on Wil-liam Smith, are contained in this newsletter on page 3.Gather at 7pm.The Chapter Meeting will begin about 7:05pm for the Chapter 70 meeting, with Wil-liam’s presentation to follow.Our meeting will include a PowerPoint presentation and a demonstration of the new AVQ200 Signal Inspector.We will again send you a ‘Meeting Reminder’ email, which will contain the link and details to join the meeting, so look for that prior to next Tuesday evening.Hope you can again make it!


February Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Time: Gather 6pm, Meeting 7pm, presentation to follow

Cuyahoga County Public Library, North Royalton Branch
5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, Ohio 44133 – Meeting Room 124

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 11th, again at the North Royalton branch of the Cuyahoga County Library, 5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, Ohio 44133 – meeting room 124. Gather beginning at 6pm. Our chapter meeting will be at 7pm with the program to follow.

Our featured program is presented by Staco Energy Products, by Chris Cleary, Sales Development Manager – Voltage Control Products, and Chuck Barry, VP of Sales. See the details below on the presentation Chuck will be making.

Hope to see you at the meeting!

January Meeting Info

Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Time: Gather 6pm, Meeting 7pm, presentation to follow

Cuyahoga County Public Library, North Royalton Branch
5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, Ohio 44133 – Meeting Room 124

From John Hovanec – SBE CH70 Program Chairman

We will kick off 2020 with a SBE Chapter 70 ‘January Meet and Greet’ on Tuesday, January 14th at the North Royalton branch of the Cuyahoga County Library, 5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, Ohio 44133 – in meeting room 124. If you haven’t been to a meeting recently, this is an opportunity to catch up with fellow engineers and technical folk that you may have not seen in a while.

The Library is just east of State Road (Rt. 94), on the north side of the road, near the YMCA. There is ample free parking. Due to the Library closing time of 9pm, we will gather beginning at 6pm, with our chapter meeting at 7pm with the program to follow.

Robert Leskovec plans to conduct a “Battery Workshop” for analyzing and maintaining 12V vehicle, and emergency generator standby batteries. He will present a demonstration of a “quite affordable” digital battery analyzer, a new compact battery charger/pulse rejuvenator, and several ‘trickle’ chargers, and discuss things like “why did the battery go dead even though I had it on a maintenance (trickle) charger?” He will then open it up to discussion about others’ experiences. With colder temperatures on the way, this will be timely information to share or update your knowledge on.

We may also have discussion on other topics: EAS, the Repack, or whatever else may be of interest, as time permits.

See you at the library on January 14th!